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Saturday, March 19, 2016

Media server

On a mission to build a NAS box that double as a media server, I'm looking for some gently used hardware; because the whole setup is relatively low power an I'm wanting to be able to be stuffed in a closet after I'm done.  When I've finally found some old hardware I'm going to increase the ram and hard drive space.  The ram will be depending on the hardware limitations.  But the hard drive will be two six terabyte hard drives which will equal twelve terabytes.  So will be more then plenty of hard drive space, .sn the operating system I'll be using is FreeNAS; which is a enterprise grade NAS operating system.  That's based on FreeBSD, which has been around for a long time and is also based on the original Unix kernel.  Much like all BSD's, an Solaris and some of Linux.  An Linux got it's inspiration from the old Solaris operating system.  But what I like about FreeNAS is; it's low power; an easily customizable.  But there's out there that you may prefer more so get out there; so get out there an start playing and like distrowatch says "put the fun back into computing"

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