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Thursday, March 31, 2016

Original Unix

I recently found a site, that has obsolete operating systems, I found a gem on there; that I've not seen in a long time.  An it was a version of the original Unix, an it's from AT&T; an they made Unix.  Now brief note, AT&T created Unix in 1970, now the one I got was released in 1981.  Which maybe since I'm one of the original Unix admins from days of old (yes I'm showing my age).  But I actually started out on Unix variants, like Solaris and FreeBSD; in fact I still use those environments.  An along side Linux; which Linux; Solaris and BSD, were all based around the original Unix.  A bit of history tonight folks; tata loveys lol

Original digital gangsters

The ones that have been doing IT for awhile, know that cyber-security is a very important resource.  Especially for systems administers, but it seems like the ones that get it; are one's running a Unix like environment.  But whether you run windows, mac, or BSD and Linux environments; cyber security is becoming evermore needed and important.  An the importance, is more important then I can put into words; an a lot of it can be done by themselves mostly. 

Saturday, March 26, 2016

debian vs trueos server environments

These operating systems, are some of the best server environments, both are rock solid and have been battle tested.  Something else I like about them both is, security is above and beyond great.  An both are a Unix like environment; an both are very secure.  An both are based are Unix, but trueos has more Unix code in it and debian has less Unix code; but still some. 

A dream home theater

I'm not going to be talking a lot of tech; about my dream home theater.  An to start I've always loved the moving going experience; an just watching movies and a local theater.  But I've got some thing's on my amazon wishlist; a nostalgic popcorn maker and hotdog maker.  Also special lighting and seating, thing's that will give that movie theater feel; as well as posters and other decorations too.  But to video and audio quality are so important.  Maybe one day when I'm rich. 

Monday, March 21, 2016


Biometrics is a branch of computers, uses some sort of biological authentication. There are three kinds, first is finger print, an that's the most common.  The most common is fingerprint authentication, but others include retina and voice recognition; an there's even full facial recognition.  The latest iphone has fingerprint recognition; is a huge advance in smart phones. 

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Media server

On a mission to build a NAS box that double as a media server, I'm looking for some gently used hardware; because the whole setup is relatively low power an I'm wanting to be able to be stuffed in a closet after I'm done.  When I've finally found some old hardware I'm going to increase the ram and hard drive space.  The ram will be depending on the hardware limitations.  But the hard drive will be two six terabyte hard drives which will equal twelve terabytes.  So will be more then plenty of hard drive space, .sn the operating system I'll be using is FreeNAS; which is a enterprise grade NAS operating system.  That's based on FreeBSD, which has been around for a long time and is also based on the original Unix kernel.  Much like all BSD's, an Solaris and some of Linux.  An Linux got it's inspiration from the old Solaris operating system.  But what I like about FreeNAS is; it's low power; an easily customizable.  But there's out there that you may prefer more so get out there; so get out there an start playing and like distrowatch says "put the fun back into computing"

Saturday, March 12, 2016

PCBSD and Linux Mint OS's

In the fore mentioned title, I've used a lot of nix environments, but these two nix environments are my favorite desktop environments.  First let's start with PCBSD, it's more of a traditional Unix environment.  An it has a long history with Unix, with Unix started to being developed in 1969; being completed in 1970.  The BSD forks were developed in the 1980's at ERL which stands for electronics research lab in caltech Berkeley!  In fact BSD stands for Berkeley software distribution.   Now onto Linux Mint, after Linus Torvalds had created the Linux kernel a wide and varied versions of the Linux kernel was developed to many different forms the best one in my book is Linux Mint.  It has the power of ubuntu beside it but with a very clean and polished graphical user interface.  But more importantly it has the Linux kernel behind it.  So I encourage people to try both to see what they prefer.  Because this is about freedom of choice; freedom of speech.  An last but not least individual freedoms..

Tech movies

This isn't a post on how to do anything; but I'd thought it would be fun to see, if you have any favorite tech movies!  An speaking for myself I'd have to say two that come to mind right off the top of my head are war games and revolution os!  Anybody else have any favorite tech movies?  I'd like to hear it, maybe get turned on to something new..