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Thursday, November 5, 2015

Enigmail and Online Privacy

There are ever increasing threats, to everyone's privacy.  An not just in government agencies, but to your average citizen.  An privacy is just not for big government, but for everyone; an it's becoming
 more and more vital each day.  An in this post, I'll be talking about Enigmail, a extension for Thunderbird and Seamonkey.  Privacy is for everyone, this tiny application for Thunderbird and Seamonkey encrypts your emails from prying eyes.  It also like other posts, it's open-source and a large community base; with developers and users.  But it's primary purpose is to encrypt your emails being sent to who ever has the proper keys to open it (keys are figurative, but much like a lock and key, only certain keys will open certain locks).  An crackers are getting wiser to unprotected systems, which is why Enigmail is becoming so important to everyone.  Because security is for everyone, not just sysadmins or cyber security experts.  An other reason, I use email clients like, Thunderbird is because its highly customizable and more secure then most email clients.  Enigmail is a add on to thunderbird and a few other email clients.  An very easy to set up and use.  So give it a shot and reclaim more of your online privacy.

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