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Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Debating about operating systems

I was part of a interesting debate about operating systems and a lot of interesting points were made.  Like for example I use a mix of Linux and bsd and yes Solaris as well.  All three based around the original Unix and all three are a great deal more stable then a lot of production operating systems, but the point I'm trying to make being is we've got freedom of speech and choice, which grated Unix or a Unix like environment have a lot of superiority over a lot of operating systems, but still for whatever reason you like a particular purpose or reason; you still have the right to choose which operating system.....   enjoy


  1. Things change on a regular basis and never is the bugs worked out until they have people loading it on their computer and thinking that this is the one that will work right and there wont be problems and yes Im talking about Microsoft Windows 10. That was shoved down my throat with no choice about it. I was using XP and was very satisfied and when they dumped the support to it, I was forced to upgrade and by doing so my computer couldnt handle it and had to dump the old tower to get a good used one and it already had 10 on it. Some choice I had. HA! I still run into problems in sorting things out and it takes a genius to figure it out for me. Thank God I have one in the family. If I knew what I was doing, I would tell Microsoft to take their windows and shove them sideways where the sun dont shine.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. That's part of the reason why I started this blog and like the title suggests tech support made simple as well highlight that people do have a choice and to make the process at least a little bit easier
