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Saturday, March 26, 2016

A dream home theater

I'm not going to be talking a lot of tech; about my dream home theater.  An to start I've always loved the moving going experience; an just watching movies and a local theater.  But I've got some thing's on my amazon wishlist; a nostalgic popcorn maker and hotdog maker.  Also special lighting and seating, thing's that will give that movie theater feel; as well as posters and other decorations too.  But to video and audio quality are so important.  Maybe one day when I'm rich. 


  1. I know the feeling. I love movies, and love having a decent set-up in my man cave. Even though I can't use it because my oldest daughter is currently living down there. Hopefully, in the next year or 2 I can have it back.

  2. I know the feeling. I love movies, and love having a decent set-up in my man cave. Even though I can't use it because my oldest daughter is currently living down there. Hopefully, in the next year or 2 I can have it back.
